Guide: Table Topics Evaluator


Table Topics Evaluation report: ~5-6 minutes – however, check the agenda

Give your report in the third person. Refer to each speaker by name rather than saying “you”. This is because you are giving your report to everyone in the room, not just one person.

A) Before the meeting

Watch this 8 min video on giving speech evaluations.

Watch it before reading the notes below.

For each Table Topics speech, you’ll give a shortened evaluation:

  1. 1 like
  2. 1 recommendation
  3. 1 liked best

Bring 5-7 printouts of these evaluation sheets for each Table Topic speech.

B) Make notes during Table Topic speeches

For each Table Topics Speaker:

  1. write their name at the top of the first sheet
  2. as they talk, write things in the left and right columns as described in the video
  3. at the end of their speech, write down 1-3 words to summarise what they talked about
  4. get the next sheet ready for the next speaker

C) Prepare your report

On each sheet:

  1. circle one thing you liked best in the left-hand column and put a * star by it
  2. circle one other thing you liked
  3. in the right-hand column, circle on thing as described in the video (appropriate to the speaker’s skill level)

D) Give your report

For each sheet/Table Topics Speaker:

  1. introduce the speaker briefly: e.g., Jane told us about her cats
  2. say the one thing you liked and why you liked it
  3. give the recommendation and why you’re giving the recommendation
  4. say the thing you liked best *, and why you liked it so much

Don’t Forget

Deliver your report in the third person. Refer to each speaker by name and address the whole room.

Don’t use the word “criticise” or “criticism” in your report, such as “if I only had one criticism…” Your report shouldn’t contain any criticism, but suggestions for improvement.

Anything not clear? Contact the VP Education.