Positivity shines through

Ascot & Bracknell Speakers club meeting was filled with inspiration, knowledge, and positivity! Three speakers took the stage and shared their insights with us.

  • Mike made us appreciate how understanding our communication styles makes all the difference to effective communication. He shed light on the importance of recognising how each person prefers to communicate. When we get this, we can express our message in a way that makes it easy for the other person to understand. We also can facilitate their communication.
  • Simon W. captivated the audience with his talk on the principles of a healthy lifestyle. From fitness, to diet, to mental well-being, he shared invaluable tips for leading a balanced and fulfilling life.
  • Simon C. began his journey to becoming a confident speaker with his icebreaker presentation, bravely recounting his career experiences. We were inspired by his courage to step onto the stage. His positivity shone through his career and his talk!

Joanna led the “Table Topics” segment of the meeting, themed “The Power of Positivity.” Speakers had the opportunity to share their impromptu answers and practice those “thinking on your feet” skills.

Throughout the evening, we witnessed the magic of positivity shining through each speech. It’s fantastic to see how positivity and enthusiasm can enhance the impact of a successful presentation.

One visitor commented that he’d been to many clubs and found the standard of speaking and evaluating was exceptional here. Congratulations to all, and especially to our outstanding performers! Simon C. was awarded the title of “Best Speaker,” showcasing his incredible potential as a public speaker. And a big round of applause for Jacqui, who took home the award of “Best Table Topic” and “Best Evaluator”. Well done to both of you!

Special thanks to Matt for gracefully steering the ship as the Toastmaster of the Evening. His engaging and informative hosting kept the meeting on track and inspired us all to step out of our comfort zones and shine a little.

We can’t wait for the next meeting, where we’ll continue to learn, grow, and support each other on our journey towards becoming confident speakers. Join us next time on 9th August for an evening of the community coming together, growth, and lots of fun! See you there!

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